Welcome to Intro Stats#
These notes are not entirely self-contained. They should be read in companion with the primary text, [FPP07], and other readings.
These notes are based primarily on the textbook, [FPP07], following the organization of content and the notation. The textbook and other readings are the real authorities on the material, but these notes can help direct you through what is important for the course. The course largely follows the textbook, but a few chapters are skipped and I add these topics.
Natural experiments
A brief mention of exploratory data analysis
Bayes’ Theorem and probability trees
Multiple linear regression (if time allows)
Sections marked “Extension” go beyond the book’s treatment of a subject. These sections are meant to help test your comfort with the ideas, either developing a deeper understanding or broadening the context.
The provided exercises supplement the exercises in [FPP07]. Use the textbook exercises to drill the concepts before attempting the exercises here.
We’ll argue that statistics is not just math, but the imperative from Halmos still applies.
More about 1101#
This is an introductory course in statistics. Students will learn how to interpret and produce statistical analyses, with applications taken from many fields. Major topics include the design of experiments, descriptive statistics, correlation, probability, hypothesis testing, and regression.
The only pre-requisite for this course is that you should be good at high school algebra. I recommend taking the calculus-based intro instead if you want to pursue stats or a related field.
Main Text
- Getting Started
- Experiments
- Types of Questions
- Experiments
- Observational Studies
- Natural Experiments
- The Histogram
- Center and Spread
- Normal Distribution
- Correlation
- Regression
- Probability
- Probability II
- Chance Variability
- Sampling
- Confidence Intervals
- Hypothesis Testing
- Two-Sample Tests
- The Chi-Square Test
- More About Significance
- Statistical Power
- Bibliography
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